As an Italian, Alberto Petochi's passion for food is a birthright. As the newphew of an aunt who has dedicated her life to continuing Italian culinary traditions through catering throughout Rome, teaching cooking classes to young women, and even publishing a small book of recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation, Alberto is obligated to love food--both cooking it and eating it! In our first installment of "In the Kitchen" Alberto Petochi from 1884 Collection shares with us his Aunt Paola Santi's (Zia Pilly to the family) recipe for Gemelli All'Arancia.
Ingredients (for 4 servings):
-1 pound of gemelli pasta (gemelli is Italian for twins; it is a short, cork-screw-shaped pasta made up of two thick strands twisted together)
-2 ruby red oranges
-7 ounces of heavy cream
-1 shot glass of whiskey
-Grated parmigiano reggiano
-Butter and salt
1. Squeeze the juice from the orange, pour it in a pan and make it thicken. Add the whiskey and the heavy cream. Continue to cook for about 20 minutes.
2. In the meantime cook the pasta in boiling water lightly salted.
When "al dente" strain the pasta and pour it in the pan with the sauce. Add one spoon of butter and cook in the pan on low fire. Pour generously the grated parmigiano and stir.
3. Plate in a bowl for serving, pour the grated parmigiano and garnish with a few slices of orange.
Serve and enjoy!!
(If you wanted the recipe in its original Italian, here you go!)
Ingredienti (per 4 persone):
320 g di gemelli
1 arancia tarocco rosso
200 ml di panna da cucina
1 bicchierino di whisky
parmigiano grattugiato
burro, sale
1. Spremete il succo dell'arancia, versatelo in una padella e fatelo addensare. Aggiungete il whisky e la panna e proseguite la cottura per circa 20 minuti.
2. Nel frattempo fate lessare la pasta in acqua bollente leggermente salata. Scolatela al dente, raccoglietela nella padella della salso, aggiungete una noce di burro e padellate. Spolverizzate con abbondante parmigiano, guarnite con una fettina di arancia e servite.
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Posted by: Jhon Kalsi | February 05, 2013 at 04:47 PM
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Posted by: Jhon Loki | February 12, 2013 at 12:20 PM